In 2021, the European Union allocated EUR 160M to 26 different projects to support the defence capabilities, innovation, and competitiveness of the European defence industry. The European Future Highly Mobile Augmented Armoured System (FAMOUS) project received EUR 9M to develop the next generation of armored platforms and upgrade existing ones, including their ability to operate in extreme geographical environments and climate conditions.
The FAMOUS project aims to optimize synergies, standardization, commonalities, innovative technologies, and interoperability capabilities in All-Terrain Vehicles (ATV) and Light Armoured Vehicles (LAV) and upgrade the capabilities of Main Battle Tanks (MTB). The project consortium unites 19 leading defence companies from nine European countries and is led by the Finnish company Patria.
The FAMOUS project has officially been extended, and its second phase, FAMOUS2, began in December 2022 and will last until November 2026. The project’s second phase will continue building on the work completed thus far, including vehicle design, prototyping, and testing. Finland continues to act as the leading member state of the project, and Patria remains as the consortium leader.
LMT is a consortium member of FAMOUS and FAMOUS2 projects. LMT’s participation in these projects includes studying the potential of 5G in defence and the interoperability of the 5G network and conventional military communication systems, focusing on the potential use of 5G in military training and simulation. Participation in the research benefits the further development of LMT’s Battlefield Information Management System.
This project has received funding from the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) under Grant Agreement No EDIDP-GCC-2020-058- FAMOUS. This article reflects only the author’s view and that the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.