LMT has demonstrated 4G/5G applications in network-centric warfare at the iMUGS (Integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System) military demonstration in Kajaani, Finland. LMT’s solutions were demonstrated over a variety of use cases, including targeting, ISR missions in arctic conditions, and Forward Observation Post establishment.
LMT’s primary solution demonstrated was the Battlefield Information Management System (BIMS) – a network-operated, cyber-secure Command and Control platform that provides the software to integrate a variety of technologies to ensure and alleviate horizontal communication, asset management, and decision making. The scope of the activities that made use of the BMS included troop and unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) use of tactical LTE mobile communications networks, performing an ISR mission with an ISR system, the protection of equipment and troops, and the performance of an arctic mobility demonstration.
The BIMS has been created through close collaboration with the National Guard and Ministry of Defence of Latvia, and further integrated with international partners within the iMUGS consortium to ensure interoperability. The BIMS makes it possible for the interaction and management of humans, robots, and sensors, thus enabling the most technologically advanced defense missions yet seen.
The world is waking up to the fact that mobile technologies can not be ignored in the defense sector. LMT has been working together with the National Guard and Ministry of Defence of Latvia and has developed a dedicated team with defense experience, to best serve the needs of the defense industry. Through the iMUGS project, we've been able to share this expertise with the international defense community to further secure our region, which has become more important than ever.
Ingmars Pukis, Vice President and Member of the Management Board of LMTThe demonstration in Finland is the 3rd of the six demonstrations within the iMUGS project – a 32.6M EUR EU project aiming to develop and demonstrate the necessary architecture for hybrid manned/unmanned security system implementation. Launched in 2020, the project’s goal is to standardize a Europe-wide ecosystem for ground platforms, command, control and communication equipment, sensors, payloads, and algorithms. A variety of operational challenges are addressed, which include enhanced interoperability, increased situational awareness, faster decision-making, and more.

The iMUGS consortium is made up of 13 parties: Milrem Robotics (project coordinator), Talgen Cybersecurity, Safran Electronics & Defense, NEXTER Systems, Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, Diehl Defence, Bittium, Insta DefSec, (Un)Manned, dotOcean, LMT, GMV Aerospace and Defence, and the Royal Military Academy of Belgium.
LMT is a member of the Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia (“FSDI Latvia” or “DAIF Latvija” in Latvian) and works closely with the Ministry of Defence to conceptualize, build, implement, and test connectivity solutions for the military industry. LMT has spearheaded Europe’s first 5G military testbed in the Ādaži military base, and is a member of the iMUGS consortium, and has led various connectivity-driven autonomous solution demonstrations.